Quiz: Metals
A jewelry-maker is a metal expert! Here, you’ll learn more about the families of metal so that you can better understand the technical aspects of their job.
Grade 5-6
Duration : 30 minutes
Learn more about the different families of metals, including ferrous metals, precious metals, and refractory metals!
Watch ”Gustavo Estrada – Matériel” (English subtitles)
Play the slideshow.
As a class, answer the quiz.
- Vidéo “Matériel”
- Quiz below or slideshow :
Metal quiz
Food for Thought
A jeweler creates, modifies, repairs, or reproduces jewelry made from precious or semi-precious metals (things like rings, brooches, bracelets, pendants, and medallions, for example). In other words, these are metal experts! But in order to work these extremely solid materials, what tools and techniques does a jeweler need?
Watch the video called “Outils et techniques” to find out!